The Rules of Lytspel
The following formatting conventions are used in this document:
- «double guillemets» for Lytspel (and spellings that haven’t changed)
- ‹single guillemets› for traditional spellings
- /slashes/ for phonetics, written in the
SAMPA alphabet
(with some slight modifications to make it more suitable for English)
Abbreviations used:
The consonants are written as follows:
- «b» /b/ as in «bed»
- «ch» /tS/ as in «much»
- «d» /d/ as in «desk»
- «f» /f/ as in «fat»
- «g» /g/ as in «big, garden, gess» ‹…guess›
- «h» /h/ as in «hot»
- «j» /dZ/ as in «joy, díjit» ‹…digit›
- «l» /l/ as in «leg»
- «m» /m/ as in «mad»
- «n» /n/ as in «now»
- «ng» /N/ as in «long»
- «p» /p/ as in «pop»
- «r» /r/ as in «run»
- «sh» /S/ as in «ship»
- «t» /t/ as in «test»
- «v» /v/ as in «ever»
- «w» /w/ as in «west»
- «wh» /hw/ as in «when». Many people speak «w» and «wh» the same
but not everybody does, and Lytspel preserves the distinction.
- «y» /j/ as in «yet»
- «zh» /Z/ as in «miraazh» ‹mirage›
The sound /k/ is written as «c» or «k», depending on context:
- «k» is used before «e, i, y», e.g. «keep, king, kynd, calcuelaition»
‹…kind, calculation›
- «k» is also used before «h» to prevent confusion with the digraph «ch»
/tS/, e.g. «lunkhed» ‹lunkhead›
- «c» is used before any other letter, e.g. «cat, cost, crisp»
- «c» is also used at the end of words ending in unstressed /ak/ or /Ik/,
e.g. «mainiac, majic, public» ‹maniac, magic…›
- «k» is used at the end of other words ending in /k/, e.g. «book, drink,
quik, speek, naimsaik» ‹…quick, speak, namesake›
The sound /s/ is written as «c», «s», or «ss», depending on context:
- «c» is used between any vowel and a vowel starting with «e, i, y», e.g.
«deecent, ixplicit, nececerri, dicyd» ‹decent, explicit, necessary,
- «ss» is used between any vowel and a vowel starting with «a, o, u», e.g.
«assault, épissoad, assumption» ‹assault, episode, assumption›
- «ss» is also used at the end of words except after any of the consonants
/f, k, p, t, T/, e.g. «less, miss, évidenss» ‹…evidence›
- «s» is used anywhere else, e.g. «sun, desk, chips, upsets»
- «s» is also used in the prefixes «dis, mis, sis» ‹…cis› regardless of
which letter follows, e.g. «disagree, disenchantment, misinturprit,
misunderstand» ‹disagree, disenchantment, misinterpret, misunderstand›
The sound /z/ is written as «s» or «z», depending on context:
- «s» is used between two vowels, e.g. «visit, eesi, dusen, disyr, bisar,
risult» ‹…easy, dozen, desire, bizarre, result›
- «s» is also used at the end of words except after any of the consonants
/f, k, p, t, T/, e.g. «his, wishes, meens, paus, quis» ‹…means, pause,
- «z» is used anywhere else, e.g. «zeero, igzact, obzurv» ‹zero, exact,
The two sounds traditionally written ‹th› are represented as follows:
- Voiceless /T/ is always written «th», e.g. «thin»
- Voiced /D/ is usually «dh», e.g. «smuudh, wurdhi» ‹smooth, worthy›
- However, it remains «th» in the frequent words «aulthó, tho, than, the,
then, thay, them, thair, thiss, that, thuss» ‹although, though, than,
the, then, they, them, their or there, this, that, thus› as well as in
all words ending in /D@`/, such as «anuther, bother, muther, whether»
‹another, bother, mother, whether›
- This spelling is preserved in derivatives of all these words, such as
«nevertheléss, nuntheléss» ‹nevertheless, nonetheless› from «the»,
«themselvs» ‹themselves› from «them», «thairs, thairby, thairfor»
‹theirs, thereby, therefore› from «thair», «thees» ‹these› from «thiss»,
«thoas» ‹those› from «that», «utherwys» ‹otherwise› from «uther» ‹other›.
The adjectives «farthest, furthest» are considered derivatives of
«farther, further» and thus also written with «th».
- To distinguish them, the small number of words ending in /T@`/ is written
with «thur»: «Arthur, authur, eethur, panthur» ‹Arthur, author,
ether/aether, panther›. Since no English words end in /T3:/, this
spelling is unambiguous.
The short vowels are written as follows:
- «a» /a/ as in «cat»
- «e» /E/ as in «pen»
- «i» /I/ as in «big»
- «o» /Q/ as in «dog»
- «oo» /U/ as in «book»
- «u» /V/ as in «club»
If the vowels written with just one letter occur at the end of words, «h»
is appended, e.g. «Yaaweh, eh, huh» ‹Yahweh…›.
The long vowels and diphthongs are written as follows:
«aa» /A/ as in «paam, faather» ‹palm, father›.
«ai» /eI/ as in «aim, saint, faiss» ‹…face›. Written «ay» if it occurs
at the end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «play, hóliday, layer,
cayoss» ‹…holiday, layer, chaos›.
«au» /O:/ as in «autum, paus» ‹autumn, pause›. Written «aw» if it occurs
at the end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «law, drawing».
«ee» /i:/ as in «tree, teem» ‹…team›. Written «i» if it occurs
unstressed at the end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «fansi,
nececiti, vidio, criaition» ‹fancy, necessity, video, creation›. This
means that Lytspel cannot distinguish between unstressed /i:/ and
unstressed /I/ (as in «big») in these positions, but that shouldn’t hurt,
as /I/ is rarely used in these positions and dictionaries often disagree
on which of these sounds to use anyway.
«i» is also used at the end of personal pronouns ending in /i:/ (as
these are often less stressed than other words in a sentence): «hi,
shi, wi, mi» ‹he, she, we, me›. And it’s used at the end of prefixes
such as «anti, semi» (spoken with /i:/ by many speakers, with /aI/ by
others) as well as «di, pri, ri» ‹de, pre, re› (even if the prefix is
stressed), e.g. «antisoashel; semifynel, semiautematic; digraid;
primachóor, prirequisit; riact, riproduess» ‹antisocial; semifinal,
semiautomatic; degrade; premature, prerequisite; react, reproduce›.
«oa» /oU/ as in «boat, hoam» ‹…home›. Written «o» if it occurs at the
end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «zeero, coóperait, sho,
poetic» ‹zero, cooperate, show…›. This poses little risk of confusion,
as /Q/ (as in «dog») occurs rarely or never before other vowels.
«o» is also used at the end of prefixes such as «biyo, ethno, fyto,
hetero, imueno, jio, keemo, macro, mycro, nio, nuero, palio, suudo,
thurmo» ‹bio, ethno, phyto, hetero, immuno, geo, chemo, macro, micro,
neo, neuro, paleo, pseudo, thermo›, e.g. «biyokemistri, ethnosentric,
heterosecshual, imuenodifishenssi, jiofisicl, keemotherrepi, mycrowaiv,
nioclassic, nuerosurjeri, suudosiyenss, thurmodynamics» ‹biochemistry,
ethnocentric, heterosexual, immunodeficiency, geophysical,
chemotherapy, microwave, neoclassic, neurosurgery, pseudoscience,
«oi» /OI/ as in «oil, point, avoid». Written «oy» if it occurs at the end
of words or before another vowel, e.g. «boy, enjoy, royel» ‹…royal›.
«ou» /aU/ as in «mouth, doun» ‹…down›. Written «ow» if it occurs at the
end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «now, power, alow» ‹…allow›.
«uu» /u:/ as in «muun, ixcluud, gruup» ‹moon, exclude, group›. Written
«u» if it occurs at the end of words or before another vowel, e.g. «clu,
íshu, sichuaition» ‹clue, issue, situation›. This poses little risk of
confusion, as /V/ (as in «bus») occurs rarely or never before other
«ue» (/yU/ or /ju:/) as in «válue, cuet, compueter, móduelait» ‹value,
cute, computer, modulate›. This spelling is also used in words that are
typically spoken with /yU/ or /ju:/ in RP, with /u:/ or /U/ in GA, e.g.
«due, nuetrel, tuen» ‹…neutral, tune›.
«y» /aI/ as in «pryss, styl, dry» ‹price, style…›. Written «iy» if it
occurs before another vowel (e.g. «diyámiter, quiyet, viyelenss, iyern»
‹diameter, quiet, violence, iron›) or at the end of words after another
vowel (e.g. «raidiiy» ‹radii›), to prevent confusion with the consonant
«y» /j/ (as in «yet»).
The Schwa
The schwa is an unstressed and neutral vowel that occurs frequently in
English words. Lytspel generally writes it as «e» or «u». «u» is used
whenever the traditional spelling contains this vowel, e.g. «álbum,
nurvuss, suspénd» ‹album, nervous, suspend›. «e» is used otherwise, e.g.
«camel, problem, hiden, sentrel» ‹…hidden, central›.
This means that Lytspel doesn’t distinguish between unstressed /V/ as in
«fundeméntel» ‹fundamental› or /E/ as in «índex» and the schwa /@/.
However, since the unstressed forms of these vowels sound quite similar to
the schwa and there is often no agreement between speakers whether to use
one or the other, this shouldn’t hurt.
A schwa immediately preceding the primarily stressed syllable can also be
represented by one of the other three vowel letters («a, i, o», but not
«y»), e.g. «a» in «about», «i» in «imajinaition» ‹imagination›, «o» in
«compuet» ‹compute›. The reason for this is that the vowel preceding the
stressed syllable is often spoken so quickly that it’s hard to decide
whether a schwa or one of the short vowels is pronounced and not all
speakers will agree on which one to use. For clarity, it’s therefore better
to stick with the original representation of the vowel in such cases, even
if most speakers might reduce it to a schwa. Additionally, the reduced
vowel often becomes clearly audible in related words, e.g. while the second
«i» in «imajinaition» is often reduced to a schwa, in «imajin» ‹imagine›
it’s clearly audible as /I/.
At the end of words, the schwa is always written «a», e.g. «extra, daita»
‹… data›. Before other vowels, it is always spelled «e» (never «u») to
prevent confusion with /u:/ (spelled «u» in this position). Schwa in this
position is very rare.
Between any of /b, p, k/ and word-final /l/, the schwa is omitted
altogether, e.g. «flexebl, simpl, articl» ‹flexible, simple, article›.
Likewise, final /z@m/ is written «sm» with the schwa omitted, e.g.
«criticism, sarcasm». (Why «sm» instead of “zm”, you might ask? Because
this combination would be written «sem» if the schwa were not omitted –
see the notes on spelling /z/ above.)
Since all these consonant pairs never occur without an intervening vowel
at the end of words, there is no risk of confusion.
Vowel Spellings before R
Before «r», the short vowels are spelled as follows:
- «arr» /ar/ as in «carri, embarress» ‹carry, embarrass›
- «ir» /Ir/ as in «mirer, íritait» ‹mirror, irritate›
- «er» /@`/ as in «number, modern» (r-colored schwa). Note: In RP and other
non-rhotic accents,
this usually sounds like a normal schwa; likewise, «r» after other vowels
is often inaudible or reduced to a schwa.
- «err» /Er/ as in «merri, errer» ‹merry, error›
- «oor» /Ur/ as in «poor, toor, inshoorenss» ‹…tour, insurance›
- «orr» /Qr/ as in «sorri, tomórro» ‹sorry, tomorrow›. Note: Most GA
speakers pronounce this in the same way as the «or» /O:r/ in «north», but
the two sounds are distinguished in RP.
- «urr» /Vr/ as in «hurri, current» ‹hurry…›
The long vowels are spelled thus:
- «air» /e@/ as in «pair, shair, vairiaition» ‹…share, variation›
- «ar» /Ar/ as in «dark, arguement» ‹…argument›
- «eer» /i@/ as in «cheer, yeer» ‹…year›. Note: GA speakers often
pronounce this in the same way as the «ir» /Ir/ in «mirer» ‹mirror›
- «or» /O:r/ as in «north, order, port, ignor» ‹…ignore›. Note: Some
speakers pronounce the vowel in «north» differently from the one in
«port», but most do not (horse–hoarse
and Lytspel does not express this distinction.
- «our» /aUr/ as in «flour, our» ‹flour, our or hour›
- «uer» (/ju:r/ or /jUr/) as in «Uerep, puer, obscuer» ‹Europe, pure,
obscure›. This spelling is also used in words that are typically spoken
with /ju:r/ or /jUr/ in RP, with /Ur/ in GA, e.g. «duering, nuerel»
‹during, neural›.
- «ur» /3:/ as in «turn, furst, consurn, obzurvaition» ‹…first, concern,
observation›. This sound only occurs before «r» and can be considered a
stronger (and often stressed) variant of the schwa.
- «yr» is spoken /aI@`/ at the end of words (e.g. «fyr, inspyr» ‹fire,
inspire›), /aIr/ elsewhere (e.g. «vyruss, yreni, spyrel» ‹virus, irony,
Spellings Involving Several Sounds
- The vowel combination /i:@/ or /I@/ is written «ia», e.g. «misteeriass,
mateerial, meediam, óbviass, vairiabl, airia, imeediat» ‹mysterious,
material, medium, obvious, variable, area, immediate›. If the second
vowel is stressed, this combination represents /i:a/ instead (e.g.
«rialiti» ‹reality›), and in a few other words, it does so as well (e.g.
«enthuesiasm, zoadiac» ‹enthusiasm, zodiac›) – this distinction is not
represented in writing.
- The r-colored vowel combination /i:@`/ is written «ier», e.g. «thieri»
- The vowel combination /oU@/ is written «oe», e.g. «boe, coelition,
yssócroess» ‹boa, coalition, isochroous›. If the second vowel is
stressed, this combination represents /oUE/ instead (e.g. «poetic»), and
in a few other words, it does so as well (e.g. «floem» ‹phloem›) – this
distinction is not represented in writing.
- The vowel combination /u:@/ or /U@/ is written «ua», e.g. «ácchual,
indivijual, ínfluanss, soopurfluass, crual» ‹actual, individual,
influence, superfluous, cruel›. If the second vowel is stressed, this
combination represents /u:a/ instead (e.g. «secshualiti» ‹sexuality›),
and in a few other words, it does so as well (e.g. «bivuac» ‹bivouac›) –
this distinction is not represented in writing.
- The consonant combination /kw/ is written «qu», e.g. «quit, riquest»
‹…request›; the letter «q» only occurs in this combination.
- The consonant combination /ks/ is written «x», e.g. «mix, next, ixplicit,
áxident» ‹…explicit, accident›.
- Generally, «ng» represents the single sound /N/ (as in «long»), but in
words starting with any of «cong, eng, ing» not followed by another «g»
or the end of the word, «ng» is usually pronounced /ng/ (e.g.
«congrátuelait, engaij, ingreediant» ‹congratulate, engage, ingredient›).
Elsewhere, /ng/ is written «nng» to distinguish it from /N/ (e.g.
«cairnngorm, martenngail» ‹cairngorm, martingale›).
- Before /k/, «n» is pronounced /N/ rather then /n/ (e.g. «bank, tranquil,
distinct, bronkytiss» ‹…bronchitis›), except if «n» and /k/ belong to
different parts of a compound (e.g. «mankynd, raincoat» ‹mankind…›) or
if a word starts with any of «con, en, in, non, un» followed by a /k/
sound (e.g. «concluusion, encounter, incompitent, increess or íncreess,
nonconformist, uncleer» ‹conclusion, encounter, incompetent, increase,
nonconformist, unclear›). However, in some such words, /Nk/ is pronounced
by some speakers (e.g. «conquest, íncrement, cóncreet, inquisition»
‹…increment, concrete, inquisition›) or by everyone (e.g. «conker, ink,
íncling, uncl, unction» ‹conker or conquer, ink, inkling, uncle,
unction›) – this difference it not expressed in writing.
- /n/ is written «nn» if it occurs before /k/ in places where «n» would be
spoken /N/, e.g. «canncan, melenncoli, noamennclaicher» ‹cancan,
melancholy, nomenclature›.
Spellings Used at the End of Words
Some sound combinations are written in a special way if they occur at the
end of words:
- Final /O:l/ is written «all», e.g. «ball, install». This spelling is
preserved in derived words, e.g. «walls, calling, installment».
- Final /S@n/ is written «tion», e.g. «recognition, obzurvaition, section,
permition, moation, oation, muesition» ‹…observation, section,
permission, motion, ocean, musician›.
- Final /Z@n/ is written «sion», e.g. «vision, confuesion, iquaision»
‹…confusion, equation›.
- The «tion» and «sion» spellings aren’t used in words that are derived by
appending «n» or «en» to another word, e.g. «ashen, freshen, Rushan,
Melaneezhan» ‹ashen, freshen, Russian, Melanesian› from «ash, fresh,
Rusha, Melaneezha» ‹…Russia, Melanesia›.
- The «tion» and «sion» spellings are preserved in derived words (e.g.
«rilaitionship, traditionel, ocaisionel» ‹relationship, traditional,
occasional›), even if the derived form is irregular (e.g. «nationel»
‹national› from «naition» ‹nation›).
Stress is marked using an acute accent in cases where it deviates from the
stress pattern predicted by a set of fairly reliable rules. The use of
accents is optional (they may be omitted), but recommended – especially in
formal contexts such as books and newspapers. In a few cases, two words are
distinguished only by the presence of absence of an accent, e.g. «díscuss»
‹discus› versus «discuss».
The rules for predicting the default stress are as follows:
- If a word has just one syllable, no accent (stress marker) is used or
- If a word ends in «ee», this final vowel is stressed (because unstressed
/i:/ would be written «i» in this position) – e.g. «agree».
- If a word ends in «a» (the schwa) or «i» (unstressed /i:/) and has just
two syllables, the first vowel is stressed (because the second is
unstressed by definition) – e.g. «extra, hapi» ‹…happy›.
- If a word ends in any of «grefi, leji, ic, icl, ics, iti, sion, tion»,
the vowel preceding this ending is stressed, e.g. «turminoleji,
statistic, sicueriti, publicaition» ‹terminology, statistic, security,
- Otherwise the first long vowel in the word is considered stressed, e.g.
«compleet, confurm, enjineer, ixplain, prisuem, sufyss» ‹complete,
confirm, engineer, explain, presume, suffice›. Generally, all vowels
except for «a, e, i, o, oo, u» and the schwa (as well as their r-colored
variants) are considered long. However, with the exception of «y», if a
long vowel is written with just one letter (because it precedes another
vowel or the end of the word), it does not count for the purposes of this
rule – e.g. the «i» in «óbviass» ‹obvious› and the «o» in «windo»
‹window› do not count. If a word ends in any of «ait, y, ys, yt», the
long vowel in this ending also does not count for the purposes of this
- Otherwise, if a word starts with a short vowel or with «di» or «ri», the
second vowel is considered stressed, e.g. «adopt, upon, difenss, riquest»
‹adopt, upon, defense, request›. If not, the first vowel is considered
stressed, e.g. «current, quontiti» ‹…quantity›. But in either case, if
the chosen vowel would be «er», the next vowel that is not «er» is chosen
instead (because «er» is the r-colored schwa, which is never stressed) –
e.g. «interject, perhaps». If there is no such next vowel, the first
vowel is considered stressed, e.g. «errer» ‹error›.
If these rules fail to correctly predict the stress, an acute accent is
added on top of the stressed vowel. If this vowel has two letters, the
accent is added on top of the first one, e.g. «maintáin, uenéek» ‹maintain,
Homophones and Irregular Words
- The vowels in the articles «the, a, an» retain their traditional
- «ey» ‹eye› is written irregularly to distinguish it from «y» ‹I› and for
easier recognition in compounds such as «fishey» ‹fisheye›.
- «four» is written irregularly to distinguish it from «for» ‹for or
- «noa» ‹know› is written somewhat irregularly to distinguish it from «no».
- «oa» ‹owe› is written somewhat irregularly since a verb with just one
letter could be confusing (and also to distinguish it from the
interjection «o» ‹oh›).
- «tuu» ‹too or two› is written somewhat irregularly to distinguish it
from «tu» ‹to›.
- In front of suffixes starting with «e, i, y», final «c» is changed to
«k», e.g. «trafiking» ‹trafficking› from «trafic» ‹traffic›.
- Final «c» remains unchanged in front of such suffixes if its
pronunciation changes from /k/ to /s/, e.g. «publicist, publicys»
‹…publicize› from «public».
- In front of suffixes consisting in a single consonant («d, n, s»), final
«i» (unstressed /i:/) becomes «ie» to mark it as long, e.g. «studied»
from «studi» ‹study›, «vairies» ‹varies› from «vairi» ‹vary›. Otherwise
forms such as “studid” would look like «splendid», but be spoken quite
- To prevent misreadings, final «o» /oU/ is changed back to «oa» and final
«u» /u:/ to «uu» in front of the same suffixes, e.g. «foload» ‹followed›
from «folo» ‹follow›, «chuud» ‹chewed› from «chu» ‹chew›, «throan»
‹thrown› from «thro» ‹throw›, «struun» ‹strewn› from «stru» ‹strew›,
«potaitoas» ‹potatoes› from «potaito» ‹potato›, «shuus» ‹shoes› from
«shu» ‹shoe›.
- A schwa /@/ at the start of suffixes is written as «a» if the base word
ends in /i:/ or /u:/, e.g. «eesiast» ‹easiest› from «eesi» ‹easy›,
«vairiabl» ‹variable› from «vairi» ‹vary›, «duabl» ‹doable› from «du»
‹do›, «agreeabl» ‹agreeable› from «agree» ‹agree›. This ensures
consistency with the combined spellings «ia» and «ua» used elsewhere (see
above) and prevents confusion with «ie» in words such as «studied». But
note that r-colored schwa remains «er», e.g. «eesier» ‹easier›.
- As noted above, the schwa is omitted between a few consonants and final
«l». To prevent misreadings, the omitted schwa is restored as «e» in
front of the suffixes «ait/et, erri, ism, ist, oid, uss, ys» ‹ate,
ary…, ous, ise/ize› as well as before stressed «ee», e.g. «puepelerri»
‹pupillary› from «puepl» ‹pupil›, «voakelist» ‹vocalist› from «voacl»
‹vocal›, «lybeluss» ‹libelous› and «lybelee» ‹libelee› from «lybl»
‹libel›. The obvious exception are derived words where no schwa is
spoken, e.g. «syclys» ‹cyclize› from «sycl» ‹cycle›, «simplism» from
«simpl» ‹simple›.
Otherwise, end-of-word spellings are preserved in all derived forms as
long as the base word doesn’t change (except for possible shifts of
stress), e.g.
- «c» representing /k/: «publicli, publicaition» ‹publicly, publication›
from «public»; «mecanics, mecanicl» ‹mechanics, mechanical› from
«mecanic» ‹mechanic›
- «k» representing /k/: «weeks, weekli» ‹…weekly› from «week»
- «ss» representing /s/: «classic» from «class»; «convínssd, convínssing»
‹convinced, convincing› from «convínss» ‹convince›; «anounssment»
‹announcement› from «anounss» ‹announce›; «prinssess» ‹princess› from
«prinss» ‹prince›
- «a» representing /@/: «extras» from «extra», «Amerrican» ‹American›
from «Amerrica» ‹America›
- «aw» representing /O:/: «draws, drawn, drawing» from «draw»
- «i» representing unstressed /i:/: «fansiful, fansiing» ‹fanciful,
fancying› from «fansi» ‹fancy›; «hapiness» ‹happiness› from «hapi»
- «oy» representing /OI/: «distroys, distroyd, distroyer» ‹destroys,
destroyed, destroyer› from «distroy» ‹destroy›
- «y» representing /aI/ (unchanged even before vowels): «hyer» ‹higher›
from «hy» ‹high›; «suplýer» ‹supplier› from «suplý» ‹supply›
- «yr» representing /aI@`/: «inspyrd» ‹inspired› from «inspyr» ‹inspire›
They are also preserved in compounds, e.g. «bakground, extraterestrial,
fyrwurks» ‹background, extraterrestrial, fireworks›.
If the pronunciation of the base word itself changes (beyond mere shifts
of stress), the spelling reflects this, e.g. «creecher» ‹creature› from
«criáit» ‹create›; «discution» ‹discussion› from «discuss»; «concluusion»
‹conclusion› from «concluud» ‹conclude›; «ácchual» ‹actual› from «act»;
«assumption» from «assuum» ‹assume›; «mentaliti» ‹mentality› from
«mentel» ‹mental›.
The past tense of regular verbs is formed by appending «ed» if /@d/ is
spoken (e.g. «silécted, waisted» ‹selected, wasted›), «d» if /d/ or /t/
is spoken (e.g. «riveeld, consíderd, payd, fixd, convínss» ‹revealed,
considered, paid, fixed, convinced›). The past tense of irregular verbs
is spelled as it’s spoken, e.g. «kept» from «keep».
While in tradspell a noun and a related verb are often written the same
even if spoken differently, in Lytspel the spelling reflects the actual
pronunciation, e.g. «a suspect, tu suspéct; a récord, tu ricord; a houss,
tu hous» ‹a suspect, to suspect; a record, to record; a house, to house›.
Normally Lytspel doesn’t use double consonants, except in those cases
where a double consonant is spoken differently than a single one (e.g.
«ss» spoken /s/ in certain contexts where «s» is spoken /z/). However,
double consonants can also occur if they belong to different parts of a
compound or if one belongs to a prefix or suffix and the other to the
base word, e.g. «toatelli, suuperreejenel, unnececerri» ‹totally,
superregional, unnecessary›.
Unstressed final /Iks/ traditionally written ‹ics› is treated as if it is
a plural (and hence written «ics») even if the corresponding singular
form (ending in /Ik/) is unknown or rarely used, e.g. «astrofisics,
diyanetics» ‹astrophysics, dianetics›. This is for consistency with the
many cases where «ics» indeed marks a plural or quasi-plural, e.g.
«ilectronics» ‹electronics› from «ilectronic» ‹electronic›.
For consistency with forms derived by appending «li» ‹ly› to words ending
in «cl» ‹cal› (e.g. «practiclli» ‹practically› from «practicl»
‹practical›), all forms derived by appending ‹ally› (pronounced /@li:/ or
/li:/) to words ending in «c« are written «clli», e.g. «baissiclli»
‹basically› from «baissic» ‹basic›, «specificlli» ‹specifically› from
Stress marking in derived words:
- If a word is formed by joining two words into one, no accent is added or
removed (e.g. «lyftym» ‹lifetime› from «lyf» + «tym», «élboruum»
‹elbowroom› from «élbo» + «ruum»). Suffixed forms likewise don’t add or
remove accents, except when the stressed syllable shifts, e.g.
«ixperriméntel» ‹experimental› from «ixperriment», «uenivúrssel»
‹universal› from «uenivurss» ‹universe›.
- If a prefix is added in front of a word, no accent is added or removed if
the prefix has two or more syllables, e.g. «antisoashel, oaverpryss»
‹antisocial, overprice›. In such cases – just as in the case of
compounds formed of two separate words – usually both parts carry a
certain amount of stress, so it’s hardly necessary to indicate which has
- If a prefix has just one syllable, on the other hand, usually either it
or the main word is audibly stressed – more often than not the latter.
If that is the case, no accent is added or removed, e.g. «riact,
unlimited» ‹react…›. But if it’s the prefix that is stressed, it is
marked with an (acute) accent and any accents from the main word are
removed, e.g. «nónsenss, prívue» ‹nonsense, preview›.
Disambiguating Multigraphs
Note: This section is of interest mainly to dictionary makers. Users
only need to know that they should add a diaeresis if a vowel sequence
could otherwise be misread, e.g. «coöperaition» ‹cooperation› (pronounced
with two adjacent vowel sounds, not one as in «book»). If a consonant
sequence could be misread, a hyphen may be added, e.g. «sheeps-hed»
‹sheepshead› (could otherwise be read as «sheep-shed»).
- Spellings involving digraphs (such as «ch, sh, ss, ai, oa, oy, ur») and
trigraphs (such as «arr, eer») are generally read from left to right: the
first letter sequence that can be read as a multigraph should be read
as such; e.g. «dueel» ‹dual or duel› is read as «d-ue-e-l» (/dj’u:@l/
or /d’u:@l/), «layer» is read as «l-ay-er» (/l’eI@`/).
- But if any of «i, o, u» is followed by «aa» or «ai», the first vowel is
read separately from the rest of the sequence, e.g. «coaala, apreeshiait,
oaiciss, sichuaition» ‹koala, appreciate, oasis, situation›. The rare
sequences «iay« and «uay» are read the same way, e.g. «dóciay» ‹dossier›.
- Since final /OI/ is spelled «oy», final «oi» unambiguously represents the
two vowels /oUi:/. Except for a handful of words (e.g. «joi» ‹joey›),
this combination occurs mostly in derived words, (e.g. «shoi» ‹showy›
from «sho» ‹show›).
- «oic» at the end of words is always spoken /oUIk/ (two separate vowels),
e.g. «hiroic, stoic» ‹heroic…›.
- Double «rr» always forms a trigraph with the vowel to its left, e.g.
«Februerri» ‹February› is read as «F-e-b-r-u-err-i».
- In cases where the previous rules would lead to a misreading, Lytspel
recommends adding a diaeresis on top of the first vowel that would
otherwise be misinterpreted, e.g. «coöperaition, poït, suër»
‹cooperation, poet, sewer›. The recommended way to avoid a possible
misreading in a consonant sequence is the insertion of a hyphen, e.g.
«sheeps-hed» ‹sheepshead›. Note that if a word begins with «adh» (e.g.
«adheer» ‹adhere›), the consonants are always read as /dh/ (two
consonants), not as a single /D/, therefore no hyphen is needed in such
- If «y» or «w» occurs between two vowels, it is in very rare cases useful
to add a hyphen before this letter to make it clear that it is read
standalone (as a consonant) instead of as second part of one of the long
vowels «ay, oy, uy, aw, ow», e.g. «Ma-yorca, sooki-yaaki, Ha-wiyi»
‹Majorca, sukiyaki, Hawaii›. In words starting with «aw« followed by a
vowel (e.g. «awaik» ‹awake›) this is not necessary, as they are always
read as «a-w» (two sounds) rather than «aw» (one sound).
- If preferred, a hyphen instead of a diaeresis can also be used in the
case of vowel sequences, e.g. «co-operaition, po-it».
- Diaereses are generally not inserted between a base word and a suffix,
e.g. «truer» from «tru» ‹true›.
- After a prefix or the first part of a compound, a diaeresis is only
inserted if the last letter of the first part and the first letter of the
second part would otherwise form one of the combinations «oa, oi, oo, ou»
(each of which represents a single vowel), e.g. «throäway, coïgzist,
bloöut» ‹throwaway, coexist, blowout›. In other cases, no diaereses or
hyphens are inserted, e.g. «shorthand».
- Writers may, of course, insert a diaeresis or hyphen between the parts of
an affixed or compound word whenever they consider such a visual
separator helpful to prevent misreadings or confusion.
Spelling of Proper Nouns
- Proper nouns that are in widespread and general use should preferably be
respelled, e.g. «Lunden, Juupiter, Micicípi» ‹London, Jupiter,
Mississippi›. This might also apply to the names of well-known dead
persons, e.g. «Wilyem Shaixpeer, Juulyuss Seeser» ‹William Shakespeare,
Julius Caesar›.
- Personal, family, and company names are spelled as their owners prefer
- If Irish names starting with «O’» are respelled, the capitalized «O»
followed by an apostrophe and a capital letter represents /oU/ followed
by a stressed syllable, hence «O’Coner, O’Neel» ‹O’Connor, O’Neil› would
be regular respellings.
- Scottish and Irish names traditionally starting with ‹Mc› or ‹Mac› /m@k/
followed by a capitalized and stressed second syllable may be respelled
by writing «Mc» followed by a capital letter instead of a stress marker,
e.g. «McAdem, McDonel» ‹McAdam, McDonnell›. If the stressed syllable
starts with a /k/ sound, that letter is capitalized (and repeated after
the initial «Mc»), e.g. «McCarti, McKee, McQueen» ‹McCarty…›. If any
other syllable is stressed, Lytspel recommend writing the word regularly
without inner capitalization, e.g. «Makintosh» ‹Macintosh or McIntosh›.